こんにちは、私はHaru Kotoriです。「amairo studio」の創設者であり、自然界の繊細な美しさを描き出すイラストレーターです。私のアートは、鳥と植物を中心に展開しています。これらのテーマからインスピレーションを受けて、独自の視点で世界を再解釈し、観る人に平和と安らぎを与える作品を生み出しています。
「amairo studio」としての私の使命は、日常の忙しさから一時的にでも解放され、美しいアートを通じて心を癒やす場を提供することです。私のイラストは、自然の無限の魅力を伝え、それを通じて人々が平和を見つける手助けをするために存在します。
Hello, my name is Haru Kotori, and I am the founder of amairo studio, an illustrator who captures the delicate beauty of nature. My art primarily features birds and plants, drawing inspiration from these themes to reinterpret the world from a unique perspective and create works that offer peace and tranquility to viewers.
Journey into Art
From a young age, I loved nature, experiencing the changing seasons through birdwatching and walks in gardens. While studying painting at art school, my passion deepened for art centered on nature. I was particularly captivated by the intricate details of birds and the rich expressions of plants, which led me to begin creating artworks combining these elements.
Artistic Style
My artwork is characterized by a richness in color and meticulous attention to detail. I use watercolors and ink to achieve a blend of softness and strength. The harmony of natural shapes and colors aims to leave a calming impression on viewers.
As amairo studio, my mission is to provide a respite from the busyness of daily life, offering a place for healing through beautiful art. My illustrations exist to convey the endless allure of nature and assist people in finding peace through it.
Thank you for visiting. Please explore the gallery and feel how my works harmonize with nature. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.